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Monday, 12 March 2018

Why did God kill innocent animals? | Genocide in the Bible series (Part 6)

As already explained previously, bestiality was a norm and the Canaanites literally had sex with “everything that breathes”… let me ask you, if you are an Israelite, how comfortable will you be having a cow or a goat or a sheep around your house and children; an animal who was accustomed to having sex with humans? Also, these animals could be infected with a host of venereal diseases from copulating with humans. Let me ask you again, would you keep an animal around your near and dear ones; an animal whom you suspect could possibly have a serious venereal disease? Wouldn’t one infected animal spread life threatening disease to humans or other animals in the livestock? How comfortable would you be eating their meat or drinking their milk?

Finally, you mentioned about sacrifices? As written in Exodus 12:5, Leviticus 22:24 and Deuteronomy 17:1, the animal had to be without any blemish or defect or sick or injured. Will an animal used to having sex with humans be acceptable in the sight of the LORD?

No wonder then that the Lord in His infinite wisdom commanded to kill all that breathes which includes animals too (Deut 20:16-18).

(... To Be Continued in Part 7)

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